TC-FREEBUSY-VPOLL - as of end of call 31 October 2012 ======================================================= VPOLL specification ======================================================= Spec outline: Abstract Introduction Describe issues with current freebusy-based booking process Describe how "consensus" based scheduling solves these problems Poll will have "profiles" - easy ones to start with, then getting more complex What is in-scope and out-of-scope Open Issues ... Conventions Usual IETF ABNF, XML text Overview Describe VPOLL and and simple use case - flow diagram? Different profiles.... iCalendar Changes VPOLL Definition + new props/params etc iTIP Changes New method Changes to existing methods as they relate to VPOLL components iMIP Changes .... CalDAV Changes Implicit behaviors iSchedule Changes ... IANA Considerations Security Considerations Acks References Appendix Example 1: Example 2: ... Slide Topics: 1. VOTER might not be one of the ATTENDEEs in an event. 2. SEQ and DTSTAMP examples 3. Response to METHOD:REFRESH 4. Who is doing a client/server? 5. Power grid example by Mike. 6. What to do? What subset of feature to target for first client/server test? 7. ACCEPT-RESPONSE note 8. If VOTER voted yes for an event which they are also an ATTENDEE, can the server mark the ATTENDEE as accepted? TODO: 1. Define property for ical property that are being voted on i.e DTSTART, DTEND, LOCATATION, SUMMARY 2. Example of how a client checks a VPOLL to see if it can support it. ITIP Issues: 1. None so far. iSchedule Isssues: 1. None so far. Capabilities Slide Topics: 1. Based on old slides. 2. Overview of VPOLL 3. Small demo. 4.ATTENDEE with NON-PARTICIPANT (gets iTIP messages) and new PARTICIPANT property (no ITIP messages) 5. Examples of common use-cases: party, open house, scheduled-events.